
Strategic Planning

From visioning the future you want to finding a way to execute that vision, Serendipity Strategies can help you on the path to reinventing your organization.

Management Support During Staff Unionization

What does it look like to honestly face management’s concerns in the face of this sudden change while honoring personal and organizational values and affirming staff’s right to a union? How do you protect the future of the organization, honor and strengthen relationships and find the capacity to manage the work while negotiating a first contract?

Serendipity Strategies can support you in this new environment. That includes training for managers and supervisors on how to work in a union-welcoming organization, coaching and support for the management bargaining team and help with implementation of your first Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).


Julie has worked in executive leadership and has a heart for those who do that important, difficult work. She supports leaders who are new to their role, those who have hit a difficult time in their leadership as well as experienced leaders looking to improve their skills and results. It is truly possible to be a great leader and a healthy, joyful individual.